How To Write About Something You Don’t Know

how to write about something you don't know

You’re staring at a blank screen, fingers poised over the keyboard. The topic you’ve been assigned to write about is as foreign to you as a language you’ve never spoken. You feel a sense of dread creeping in.

Sound familiar?

As a freelance writer or content creator, you’ve likely found yourself in this situation more than once.

It’s a common misconception that writers should only stick to topics they are familiar with. But let’s debunk that right away.

In the dynamic world of content creation, versatility is your superpower. Writing about unfamiliar topics not only broadens your horizons but also makes you a more adaptable and resourceful professional.

Take it from me. I once had to write an in-depth article on quantum physics – a subject far removed from my comfort zone of lifestyle and travel writing.

But guess what?

It turned out to be one of my best pieces. Not because I suddenly became an expert in quantum physics.

No. It was because I adopted a systematic approach to tackle the unfamiliar territory, which I’m about to share with you.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through practical strategies on how to write compelling content about something you don’t know. So, the next time you face that impossible assignment, instead of panic, you’ll feel prepared.

The Crucial Role of Research in Exploring Unfamiliar Topics

When faced with an unfamiliar topic, research is your most trusted ally. It’s the compass that guides you through the unknown, helping you gain a solid understanding of the subject matter.

But why is it so crucial?

Firstly, research ensures accuracy. When writing about something you don’t know, the risk of misinformation is high. Thorough research prevents this, helping you present facts and insights that are credible and reliable.

Secondly, research gives depth to your writing. It allows you to provide your readers with detailed, comprehensive content rather than surface-level information. This depth not only enhances the quality of your work but also adds value for your readers.

Now that we understand why research is essential, let’s discuss how to conduct it effectively.

Choosing Reliable Sources

Not all information is created equal. Some sources are more reliable than others. When researching, prioritize primary sources—these are first-hand accounts or direct evidence about a topic. They might include academic papers, official reports, or interviews.

Secondary sources, like news articles and blogs, can also be valuable but should be used judiciously. Always cross-check the information from these sources with primary ones to ensure accuracy.

Organizing Your Notes

As you dive into your research, you’ll likely end up with a wealth of information. Keeping this organized is key.

Use digital tools like Google Docs or Evernote to categorize your notes by subtopics. This not only keeps your research tidy but also makes it easier to find specific pieces of information when you start writing.

Remember, research is more than just a preparatory step. It’s an ongoing process that continues even as you write and revise your piece.

It’s what equips you to venture confidently into unfamiliar terrains and emerge with content that’s both engaging and enlightening. So, take your time with it, dig deep, and let your newfound knowledge guide your writing journey.

Understanding Your Audience: The Key to Relevant Content

how to write about something you don't know

Knowing your audience is as crucial as understanding the topic you’re writing about.


Because it’s your readers who will ultimately determine the success of your content. If they find it relevant, engaging, and valuable, it’s a win.

Understanding your audience helps you tailor your content to their needs and interests. It allows you to use language that resonates with them, discuss points they care about, and answer questions they might have.

In short, knowing your audience enables you to create content that they’ll actually want to read.

So, how do you get to know your audience better? Here are some strategies:

Analyze Your Existing Readership

If you’ve been creating content for a while, you already have an audience. Analyze them.

What content do they engage with the most? What topics do they seem most interested in?

Use tools like Google Analytics to gain insights into your readers’ behavior and preferences.

Create Reader Personas

Reader personas are hypothetical profiles of your ideal readers. They include demographic information, interests, challenges, and goals. Creating these personas can help you visualize your readers and understand what they’re looking for in your content.

Engage Directly

Don’t shy away from direct engagement. Use surveys, polls, or social media interactions to ask your audience about their interests, preferences, and feedback. Not only does this provide valuable insights, but it also builds a stronger connection with your readers.

Remember, understanding your audience isn’t a one-time task. It’s an ongoing process that evolves as your readership grows and changes.

By continually aligning your content with your readers’ needs and interests, you can ensure that your work remains relevant, valuable, and engaging – no matter the topic you’re writing about.

Breaking Down Complex Information: The Art of Simplifying

Complex topics can be intimidating, both for the writer and the reader. But that doesn’t mean they’re off-limits. With the right approach, you can break down complicated information into digestible, engaging content.

Here’s how:

Use Analogies

Analogies are a powerful tool for explaining complex ideas. They connect an unfamiliar concept to something familiar, making it easier for readers to understand.

For instance, you might explain a computer’s CPU as “the brain of the computer”. This gives your readers a relatable point of reference to grasp the new information.

Incorporate Examples

Examples are another effective way to simplify complex information. They illustrate your points in a practical, tangible way. When giving examples, try to use real-world scenarios that your readers can relate to. This not only aids understanding but also makes your content more engaging.

Simplify Your Language

When dealing with complex topics, it’s easy to fall into the trap of using jargon or technical language. However, this can alienate readers who aren’t familiar with these terms.

Instead, aim to use simple, clear language. Break down complex sentences into shorter ones, and replace technical terms with everyday language wherever possible.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids like diagrams, charts, or infographics can be incredibly useful in breaking down complex information. They present data in a visual format, which can often be easier to comprehend than text-heavy explanations.

Break It Down Into Sections

Dividing your content into smaller sections or subtopics can make it more digestible. It allows readers to process information in chunks, rather than trying to understand everything at once.

Remember, your goal is to make complex information accessible to your readers, regardless of their prior knowledge on the subject. By breaking down complex topics and presenting them in an understandable and engaging way, you can ensure your content resonates with a wide range of readers.

Seeking Expert Opinions: Enhancing Your Content with Authority

When navigating unfamiliar topics, expert opinions can be a beacon of clarity. They lend your content authority, enhance its credibility, and provide insights that you may not have uncovered through traditional research.

But why are expert opinions so valuable?

Experts have spent years, sometimes decades, delving deep into their area of specialization. Their expertise equips them with in-depth knowledge and nuanced understanding that’s hard to match.

By incorporating their insights into your content, you’re not only enriching it but also providing your readers with a level of detail and expertise they would otherwise miss.

So, how do you find and reach out to these experts? Here are some strategies:

Use Professional Networks

Platforms like LinkedIn are a treasure trove of professionals from various fields. You can use these platforms to find experts in the topic you’re writing about. Look at their credentials, their work, their publications, and decide if they’re a good fit for your needs.

Attend Webinars and Conferences

Webinars, conferences, and seminars often attract experts from different fields. Attending these events can give you an opportunity to connect with these experts and potentially seek their input for your content.

Leverage Expert Services

Companies like J. Scott Digital offer services such as content creation, mentoring, and white label PLR content. These services can connect you directly with experts, saving you time and effort in seeking them out yourself. Plus, they ensure that the expert input you receive is high-quality and reliable.

Remember to approach experts with respect and professionalism. Be clear about why you’re reaching out, what you’re asking for, and how their input will be used. Most importantly, always give credit where it’s due. Acknowledge the experts’ contribution in your content to maintain transparency and credibility.

Incorporating expert opinions in your content is an effective way to navigate unfamiliar topics. It not only enriches your content but also reassures your readers that the information you’re providing is reliable and authoritative.

Loving the Learning Process: The Growth of a Writer

Writing is as much about learning as it is about expression. As writers, we are constantly expanding our horizons, delving into new topics, and acquiring knowledge. This continuous learning process offers numerous benefits that can enhance both your writing and personal growth.

Expanding Your Expertise

Every time you write about a new topic, you’re adding to your knowledge base. This expansion of expertise makes you a more versatile writer, capable of tackling a wider range of subjects. It also equips you with a broader perspective that can enrich your writing in unexpected ways.

Improving Adaptability

Writing about unfamiliar topics challenges you to adapt your research skills, your understanding, and your writing style. This boosts your adaptability, a crucial skill in a world where trends and interests are constantly evolving. The more adaptable you are, the better equipped you’ll be to produce engaging content on a variety of topics.

Nurturing Curiosity

Exploring new topics nurtures your curiosity. It prompts you to ask questions, seek answers, and delve deeper. This curiosity not only fuels your learning process but also makes the journey more enjoyable.

So, how do you embrace this learning process?

Start by viewing unfamiliar topics not as challenges, but as opportunities for growth. Each new topic is a chance to learn something new, to expand your understanding, and to add another feather to your writing cap.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Instead, embrace it. Dive into new topics with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Remember, every great writer was once a beginner. Every expert started with the basics. It’s the thirst for knowledge and the courage to step out of your comfort zone that sets you on the path to growth.

Practical Tips and Tools: Navigating Unfamiliar Topics with Ease

Writing about unfamiliar topics can be an overwhelming task, but with the right techniques and tools at your disposal, it becomes significantly more manageable. Here are some practical tips and tools that can aid you in this process:

Mind Mapping Software

Mind mapping is a powerful technique for organizing your thoughts and ideas. It allows you to visually structure information, making it easier to understand and recall. Software like XMind or MindMeister can help you create digital mind maps, facilitating brainstorming and the organization of complex ideas.

Note-Taking Apps

Effective note-taking is crucial when researching new topics. Apps like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote allow you to take, organize, and search your notes with ease. They also allow you to attach files, save web pages, and create to-do lists, making your research process more streamlined.

Online Courses on Research Methods

Understanding how to conduct effective research is key when tackling unfamiliar topics. Online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning offer courses on research methods that can equip you with the necessary skills. Topics covered may include identifying credible sources, conducting keyword research, and analyzing data.

Online Libraries and Databases

Websites like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or PubMed provide access to a vast array of scholarly articles and publications. These resources can offer in-depth insights into your chosen topic, providing you with a solid foundation of knowledge.

Leverage Freelance Platforms

Freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can connect you with experts who can provide insights into your topic. You can hire them for a consultation, or even to create a draft that you can then refine and personalize.

Remember, the key to successfully writing about unfamiliar topics lies in your approach. Stay organized, be thorough in your research, and don’t hesitate to utilize tools and resources available to you. With these tips and tools, you can turn any unfamiliar topic into an engaging piece of content.

Embracing the Unfamiliar: Your Path to Versatile Writing

We’ve journeyed through the process of tackling unfamiliar topics and transforming them into engaging and informative content. Remember, every new subject is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. As we’ve discussed, you don’t need to be an expert in a topic to write about it convincingly.

The strategies we’ve explored—thorough research, reaching out to experts, breaking down complex concepts, and maintaining an open mindset—are your tools for navigating uncharted territories. They allow you to write with confidence and authenticity, regardless of the subject.

This process also reminds us of the importance of lifelong learning in content creation. The world is brimming with topics waiting to be explored and written about.

So, why limit ourselves? Embrace the challenge of unfamiliar topics, and you’ll find your work becoming more diverse, engaging, and rewarding.

Now, it’s time for you to put these tactics into practice. The next unfamiliar topic that comes your way won’t be a roadblock, but rather a stepping stone towards becoming a more versatile writer.

So, go ahead and dive into the unknown.

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