How To Market Your Bookkeeping Business Online

Brick and mortar businesses have been the order of the day for decades. But, now, running a business online has become a more preferred method for many business owners in the service industry, including bookkeepers.

What has not changed, though, is the fact that advertising must be at the forefront of your marketing strategies. Competition in the industry is stiff, with more than 91,000 practices in the US alone.

Add in the small business owners who would instead go the DIY way and freelancers from around the globe to the equation, and you have quite the competition!  

Let’s show you how to advertise your online bookkeeping business to attract new clients and retain the old ones.

How to Advertise Your Online Bookkeeping Business

What’s your goal?

There are usually three goals for advertising a business service or product. You are either trying to inform target customers about your business, persuade them why you are the right seller or remind them to make a purchase.  

For example, if you just set up your bookkeeping practice, your main goal for advertising will be informing prospective clients. Your message will mainly aim to spread awareness of your bookkeeping services, from what you do to the businesses you serve and your location.

On the other hand, if you already have an established practice, you could advertise to remind your customers you are still around before another bookkeeper snaps their attention.  

Whatever your goal for advertising is, stating it enables you to break it into actionable plans. It also makes communicating to your target audience, advertising methods, and budgeting easier.

Use Google Ads

Google is the most used search engine, thanks to its vast site indices and the ability to pick them faster than any other search engine. It also has the largest market share, currently at about 92.47%.

Due to this, having your business highlighted on Google Ads is an excellent way to drive traffic to your website, physical office, social media page, or increase the number of calls from target customers.  

Fortunately, Google allows you to customize your Ads to reach your target market. From the exact target location and age group to related keywords and how much you are willing to spend on the campaign.

For instance, a business owner might search ‘bookkeeper in Atlanta’ on their Google search. The search engine will produce massive reports of bookkeepers.

If you are based in Atlanta and have used these exact keywords for your ad, it will appear on Google’s first page, putting you in the limelight of the potential client. Keep in mind that your Ad needs to be specific and have the right keywords for it to attract more views. 

Do not forget social media platforms

Although social media platforms were initially meant for interacting with loved ones and like-minded people, they have quickly grown into powerhouses for business growth.

According to recent data, social media advertising has increased by 25%, overtaking paid search. Additionally, it is estimated that about 72% of Americans use social media for entertainment, sharing information, and news.  

Social media targeting or social network advertising uses social media platforms for advertising purposes. This includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram. You can use on or a combination of these platforms.

It all boils down to what platform your target audience spends most of their time. For instance, young social media users use Instagram and TikTok more for entertainment, while middle-aged and senior individuals are more present on Facebook and LinkedIn. So, what age group is your target audience, and where are they more present?  

Advertising on these platforms allows business owners to reach a broader target market than just their followers. Like Google Ads, one can also curate Ads for target audiences based on their geographic location, behaviors, interests, etc.

Create engaging content

Social media campaigns are usually paid ads. Although you can set your preferred budget, there is a free option of advertising your practice on social media platforms— creating engaging content.  

Social media platforms are all about engagement. Numerous business owners might see your ad. But how you engage with your followers and other users significantly impacts your business.

For example, have you seen professionals on LinkedIn writing posts on various topics in their field? Or service providers creating video content on TikTok or Instagram explaining various terms and practices in their areas?

With captivating content, your comment section or DM will have several prospective clients reaching out. In addition, you must engage your readers and listeners by commenting on their replies and replying to their messages.  

Second, your business website must also have helpful content such as blog posts, webinars, educational videos, and free resources like calculators. Whenever you share your latest posts from your websites, you are driving traffic to the website, allowing potential clients to see what more you can offer.

It also helps solidify your bookkeeper expertise as readers see you as an authority in the field.

Email advertising

This is a type of email marketing where recipients of emails have consented to receive promotional messages from a business. For example, if you have a list of subscribers, you can send them regular newsletters highlighting changes that might affect their businesses.

How you design your newsletters and their content will determine the newsletter’s effectiveness as an Ad. But, most importantly, a call to action (CTA) reminding readers to contact you for bookkeeping services is the icing on this cake that could get you a client. 

Increase your online presence

Let’s say you have a website and social media pages on several platforms. Are these enough? Unfortunately not.

Try getting in the mind of a business owner who launched a business a year ago, it is tax season, and they have no idea where to start. They will certainly search for a bookkeeper online. But your business contact and link to the website are not the only ones they are interested in. Consumers are now looking for more information like previous clients’ reviews, credentials, and how long you’ve been practicing.  

That’s where having a presence on sites like Yelp for Business and Google My Business is essential. Consider these as free advertising platforms for your business. In addition, any review a customer leaves benefits your skills and reliability as a bookkeeper.

Networking still works

Just because you have an online business doesn’t mean you have to forget the ol’ word-of-mouth strategy. Yes, it still works. A referral from a friend, family member, or colleague will go a long way in getting you a client, even if it is just sharing your website or social media business page. Apart from your loved ones, ensure you attend business events that allow you to meet other business owners face-to-face. 

Closing thoughts

As a bookkeeper, marketing your business online is essential to reach a larger pool of potential clients.

By creating engaging content, you can attract readers and followers who may be interested in your bookkeeping services. Additionally, increasing your online presence by setting up profiles on business directories and review sites can help build trust with potential clients.

Finally, don’t forget the power of networking and word-of-mouth marketing to get your business name out there.

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